Wound Care

Wound Care

Types of Wounds

Diabetic Ulcer

Diabetic ulcers are common complications in individuals with diabetes and occur most often on the foot. Poor circulation and reduced sensation contribute to the risk of developing these ulcers. At OnSite Advanced Care, we provide specialized treatments to accelerate healing, minimize infection risk, and prevent complications.

Pressure Ulcer

Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores, are skin and underlying tissue injuries that result from prolonged pressure, often occurring in bedridden or immobile patients. Our skilled team offers a variety of evidence-based interventions aimed at relieving pressure, promoting healing, and preventing infection.

Venous Stasis Ulcer

Venous stasis ulcers are wounds that occur due to malfunctioning valves in the veins, typically in the lower legs. These ulcers are often painful and slow to heal. Our comprehensive approach includes measures to improve circulation and specialized wound dressings, ensuring optimal healing conditions.

Types of Treatment

Wound Dressings

Choosing the right wound dressing is crucial for effective healing. At OnSite Advanced Care, we employ a variety of advanced dressings designed to manage moisture, control infection, and accelerate wound closure. Each dressing is selected based on the specific needs of the individual wound.


Debridement involves the removal of dead, damaged, or infected tissue to promote wound healing. Our healthcare professionals are skilled in multiple methods of debridement, choosing the most suitable technique based on wound type and patient condition to facilitate quicker, safer healing.

Skin Grafting

For more severe wounds that are not responding to conventional treatments, skin grafting may be necessary. This involves transplanting healthy skin to the wound area to aid in closure and healing. Our team ensures the process is conducted with utmost precision and care.

Compression Therapy

Compression therapy is especially effective for venous ulcers and involves the application of pressure to improve blood circulation. This aids in reducing swelling and accelerating the healing process. At OnSite Advanced Care, we use custom-fitted compression garments for maximum efficacy.

Lymphedema Management

Managing lymphedema, a condition of localized fluid retention, is crucial in wound care. Our specialized team offers treatments aimed at improving lymphatic drainage, thereby enhancing the healing environment for chronic wounds.

Non-invasive Vascular Assessment

Understanding the circulatory status of a wound is vital for effective treatment. We utilize non-invasive vascular assessments to evaluate blood flow and vascular integrity, enabling more targeted and effective treatments.

Skin Substitutes

Skin substitutes, also known as bioengineered skin or tissue-engineered skin products, are lab-generated or derived materials used to aid in the repair or replacement of damaged skin. These substitutes can be synthesized from various sources, including autologous (from the same individual), allogeneic (from another individual of the same species), xenogeneic (from another species), or entirely synthetic materials.

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